Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Main Reason Why I Left YBNL – Adekunle Gold

Affirming part from the record mark that he called home for a considerable length of time, Orente crooner Adekunle Gold in a concise visit with PlanetTV uncovered that he's more drawn out with Olamide's name YBNL. He additionally uncovered that he is as of now all alone and got no arrangement of beginning his own particular name at any point in the near future.

This is what he said;
"My agreement has lapsed and that is it. In YBNL you don't restore contract. Olamide marked us for a long time, so that without anyone else's input, you can hustle and get things going. I don't have my record name now, so I'm all alone for the time being… I don't think about record mark and I don't have the vision to have one at this point."

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