Thursday, 6 July 2017

Meet The 3-Year-Old Girl With Strange Condition That Makes Her Cry Tears Of Bl00d Confusing Indian Doctors

A three year old young lady named Ahana Afzal with a puzzle condition that makes her sob tears of bl00d has left specialists in India confounded. Accordimg to DailyMail, the young lady began seeping from her nose two years back while enduring with pneumonia and specialists put it down to a high fever, yet now the baby seeps from her mouth, ears and eyes practically consistently notwithstanding having no obvious scratches, abandoning her depleted with devastating headaches. 

Ahana's frantic guardians Nazima Begum, 28, (mother) from Hyderabad in south Indian territory of Telangana and Mohammed Afzal, 33, (father) a wellness coach have supposedly spent more than a thousand pounds on tests yet at the same time don't have an official conclusion. Despite the fact that doctors now presume she may have a ultra-uncommon condition hematodrosis which makes sufferers sweat bl00d. 

"My child asks me for what good reason she continues seeping from her ears. I don't know how to answer that inquiry. I am ignorant regarding her condition. All I know is each time she drains, her hemoglobin levels goes down radically and we need to get bl00d transfused into her body." Ms Begum said. 

While her dad who additionally has a solid four-year-old child, said his little girl's issues begun when she had a nose drain, matured one, when she was enduring pneumonia. 

"Specialists disclosed to us that there was nothing to stress as the draining may be occurring a direct result of high fever. However, when the recurrence of draining expanded, we chose to take her to a superior restorative office. Our reality came smashing down when we learnt that our infant may be experiencing an uncommon infection." He said. 

Adding that his baby used to be bubbly and lively, however is currently left depleted because of her uncommon condition. What's more, she used to go to play school however two months back was compelled to remain at home because of her sickness. Notwithstanding acquiring just £70 a month, the family has burned through £1,700 on therapeutic tests in the expectation of getting an analysis and treatment.


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