Sunday, 21 May 2017

Battle of the Big B00bs! Meet Cossy Orjiakor’s Top Challengers with Equally Huge Assets (Ph0t0s)

Nigerian performer, Cossy Orjiakor is broadly accepted to have the greatest b00bs in the business, however there are other people who now undermine to grab that title from her.
Cossy Orjiakor
Nollywood diva and vocalist, Cossy Orjiakor has never needed to stress who has charge of any corridor she winds up as she is certain to embrace all the consideration, on account of her humongous b00bs that never neglect to be on a stake-out. She has been portrayed on an excessive number of events as Nollywood's ruler of b00bs.

Her rule has even stretched out to all aspects of Africa and the world. A year ago, she was regarded in Germany as a standout amongst the most brave on-screen characters out of Africa. In any case, the spot she appreciates as supremo uno in the mammary locale is quick getting to be plainly swarmed as an ever increasing number of challengers are jumping up, to contend with her as well as taking the test to her doorstep. Number one is Sarafina Onyekachi, who took the Nutty Queen on in the motion picture 'Ara Sarafina', where the pair clashed in a b00bs challenge.


" Yes, there was b00bs rivalry which I won. In any case, I should admit Saraphina is greater than me. I just won the challenge since she fizzled a question and I was the following best and more illuminated, along these lines, I won," Cossy would state of the motion picture challenge a short time later.

Number two is an obscure Instagram superstar, who calls herself Roman Goddess. As indicated by Cossy, the young lady, who was a fan turned up on her birthday and right now, Cossy had another test staring her in the face.

Roman Goddess
"She's a super s3xy thrilling chick," says Cossy. "She convey front, she convey back. She is excessively bundled. I should look at and assess this super s3xy awe-inspiring chic. She's a decent fan that has turned a companion" she said. Number three is a Ghanaian up and coming performer and model called Duchess Ella. Dissimilar to the pair said before she has never met Cossy however individuals have been exploding a conceivable encounter between them.

Duchess Ella
Duchess made an incredible hit with Instagram supporters scoring up near fifty thousand devotees. She's extremely immense in the chest yet she doesn't parade it like Cossy or Roman Goddess. Much the same as Sarafina once stated, "What's the utilization of displaying my b00bs when they are full scale there for individuals to see".

Duchess Ella must have a similar conviction.

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