A South African Lady has shouted out after her ex-Nigerian-spouse declined to leave her alone, attacking her at all circumstances that she lives in dread, even subsequent to separating him. Perused her heart-felt story underneath; 'I would not like to expose this however this is outside my ability to control. i cannot go to the shop without expecting that a man i once called my significant other could come and k!ll me and abandon me by the road to be eaten by dogs.........he swindled different circumstances i pardoned that......all during the time he beat me up even'
While pregnant with his own youngsters .....GUESS WHAT I FORGAVE HIM FOR THAT TOO. he stole from me, from my family LOL HE EVEN stole the ring he got me and pawned it IN FACT HE PAWNED EVERYTHING WE OWNED EVEN A CAR FOR R5000 ......I still pardoned him.even when his better half sent me bare pics of them in quaint little inn me regardless I excused that.'
'AM I NOT HUMAN?Huh??DON'T I HAVE A BREAKING POINT??? Remain FOR THE KIDS SAKE THEY SAY!!!!!! UNTIL I'M DE@D?Huh? i moved out and remained alone with my children i cannot go to the shop without expecting that the will come and assault me.'
Clearly in their way of life there's in no way like separation, well in my way of life there's not at all like household violence......... Better believe it IM SNAPPING COZ I'VE HAD ENOUGH....this morning i secured the level went and left the door no knowing he now knows where i stay GUESS wgat he assaulted me again and i'm draining at the end of the day..
AS USUAL. HE took my sack took my telephones and slapped me....his last words I WILL DISTURB YOU TILL U DIE NO ONE LEAVES ME AND GETS TO MOVE ON IN PEACE.........well even while still hitched to him i never found peace,but he wouldn't know coz he spent the majority of his evenings out with companions, even christmas days were for him and his s***S .......IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO ME ,AT LEAST YOU ALL KNOW NOW.......

My children will grow up without a mother,,,,,and better believe it i tried the police and got zero assistance from that point i get it genuine what individuals say the police just act when there's a de@d body. I figure SOON MY FAMILY WILL BE UPLOADING FUNERAL#NONHLE'SFUNERAL.
While pregnant with his own youngsters .....GUESS WHAT I FORGAVE HIM FOR THAT TOO. he stole from me, from my family LOL HE EVEN stole the ring he got me and pawned it IN FACT HE PAWNED EVERYTHING WE OWNED EVEN A CAR FOR R5000 ......I still pardoned him.even when his better half sent me bare pics of them in quaint little inn me regardless I excused that.'
'AM I NOT HUMAN?Huh??DON'T I HAVE A BREAKING POINT??? Remain FOR THE KIDS SAKE THEY SAY!!!!!! UNTIL I'M DE@D?Huh? i moved out and remained alone with my children i cannot go to the shop without expecting that the will come and assault me.'
Clearly in their way of life there's in no way like separation, well in my way of life there's not at all like household violence......... Better believe it IM SNAPPING COZ I'VE HAD ENOUGH....this morning i secured the level went and left the door no knowing he now knows where i stay GUESS wgat he assaulted me again and i'm draining at the end of the day..
AS USUAL. HE took my sack took my telephones and slapped me....his last words I WILL DISTURB YOU TILL U DIE NO ONE LEAVES ME AND GETS TO MOVE ON IN PEACE.........well even while still hitched to him i never found peace,but he wouldn't know coz he spent the majority of his evenings out with companions, even christmas days were for him and his s***S .......IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO ME ,AT LEAST YOU ALL KNOW NOW.......

My children will grow up without a mother,,,,,and better believe it i tried the police and got zero assistance from that point i get it genuine what individuals say the police just act when there's a de@d body. I figure SOON MY FAMILY WILL BE UPLOADING FUNERAL#NONHLE'SFUNERAL.